White Collar Crimes Can Be Committed By Blue Collar Individu
White collar crimes are crimes that are typically committed by individuals of a higher social status. There are a variety of these types of crimes and they are not always committed by a higher class...
View ArticleThe Growing Identity Theft Problem
Since the year 2000 when the FTC first identified identity theft as the number one consumer complaint, the problems associated it have grown. And the incidents of identity theft problems are escalating.
View ArticleWhat Is an Identity Theft Report?
What is an Identity Theft Report and what must it contain? An Identity Theft Report must be filed before you can claim the protections afforded to identity theft victims and begin to repair the damage...
View ArticleA Few Signs of Identity Theft And How To Prevent It
Identity theft has caused a lot of damage to many lives, as sometimes it takes years for a victim to completely recover. When a thief steals a person's identity, the victim often times doesn't realize...
View ArticleFive Ways Identity Thieves Will Steal Your Information
Did you know that over 11 million Americans were the victims of identity fraud in 2009 alone? If that isn't scary enough, these cyber-thieves are planning new attacks every day and getting more...
View ArticleSurviving The Process of Filing an ID Theft Report
An article showing the difference between an ID theft report and a regular police report. Discusses why this procedure may be difficult for many victims of identity theft.
View ArticleIdentity Theft Protection: How to Guard Personal Information
Perhaps you have heard of horror stories about people's identities being stolen. Usually these stories involve getting a hold of their personal information such as your social security number or having...
View ArticleHow To Deal With Identity Theft
Identity theft is when a person's personal information is stolen for the purpose of criminal use. Unfortunately it has become a growing epidemic. Most people don't even know that they are a victim of...
View ArticleTips on How to Avoid Identity Theft
Identity theft is one of the fastest growing white collar crimes costing businesses and individuals billions of dollars each year. One of the easier methods used to steal someone's identity is to...
View ArticleThe Menace of Identity Theft
In the modern world, the crime of identity theft, or fraud, goes beyond the understanding of human mind! It can happen to anyone at anytime in any place of the world. It is a crime of the century with...
View ArticleThat's NOT Me! - When Your Identity Has Been Ripped
You buy things, right? 'Well, duh,' you might say, 'who doesn't?' Of course you do. You are a person and you have a life. You do many things as 'you' - buy, sell, you name it, you have a life in this...
View ArticleHow Does ID Theft Occur?
Discover how easily identity theft can occur. Guard against ID theft threats.
View ArticleDo You Really Need Privacy Guard Credit?
Most people are not aware and some just don't observe how frequent their credit score and credit history change. Most people are just focused on maintaining a good credit score but are not aware about...
View ArticlePhone Fraud and Online Tricks Revealed
Many people today are aware of the internet frauds and scams going on, but they believe somehow they are too smart to succumb to identity theft schemes. That's what many think until it's too late, read...
View ArticleHow To Protect Yourself From Identity Theft
Identity theft has become a major concern in recent years, costing Americans more than $52 billion per year. How to protect you from identity theft? Well, in this article we will discuss some important...
View ArticleGet Protection From Online Identity Theft - Acquire Life Loc
Latest evaluations made by theft labs on five identity theft protection services demonstrated that lifelock has remarkable security and repair features. It works pro-actively with its alert system that...
View ArticleOutsmart Identity Crooks With Lifelock
The first of the two is Erecon, a service that checks the Internet's black market and illegal websites and looks for instances when your private and personal information is used. If they find such...
View ArticleCan Identity Thieves Use Social Media to Make You a Victim?
Learn how identity thieves can use social media to take advantage of people. You might be surprised.
View ArticleIdentity Theft Protection + A Legal Plan Covers It All
In case you live under a rock or on a different planet, you may not have noticed that we have a big problem! Identity theft doesn't just happen to someone else anymore and it's not going away, bottom...
View ArticleDo We Really Need Identity Theft Protection?
Identity Theft - Can it really happen to you? What is it really all about?
View ArticleSome Facts About Medical Identity Theft
Can identity thieves be using your medical records and health insurance information to get medical treatment and prescription drugs? Do people use your information to submit false bills to insurance...
View ArticleHow Can an Identity Thief Obtain and Use Your Personal Digit
Discover how identity thieves can obtain your personal digital profile. Learn what precautions you take.
View ArticleHow Bad Is the Identity Theft Problem?
Learn why identity theft is on the rise. How many people have been affected and what can be done to stop it?
View ArticleTo Encrypt or Not to Encrypt
With the extremely high rise in identity theft it's become an increasingly popular practice to purchase encryption based software to further protect sensitive information. While the major operating...
View ArticleHow Vulnerable Are You to Identity Theft?
Are you vulnerable to identity theft? Learn the answer by studying what identity thieves do to stalk victims.
View ArticleWhat You Should Know About Identity Theft
Internet identity theft is a major malicious crime these days. Just like any product on the market, your identity can be copied and reproduced without your knowledge and permission. Identity theft has...
View ArticlePrevent Yourself From Identity Theft
Digital identity theft is a tremendously increasing crime in the modern era. Article entitles various effective ways in which you can prevent yourself from identity theft.
View ArticleEmail Identity Theft - How to Avoid the Phishing Nightmare
The most common form of email identity theft is called phishing. We'll take a closer look at phishing and finally wrap things up by showing how you can prevent identity theft without paying monthly fees.
View ArticleIdentity Theft - An Invisible Crime
This article is about an emerging crime these days. How and where it exists and what how to prevent yourself from this.
View ArticleInvestigating Data Breaches: From Incident to Resolution
Across all industries, data breaches continue to abound and the variety of root causes are just as plentiful: lost laptops, missing backup tapes, stolen computers, compromised servers, and hackers...
View ArticleHow Reading Identity Theft Stories Can Prevent Crime
This incident occurred recently when a notice was posted in an online classified advertisement site for unwanted goods to be sold. The method used was the old scam of over paying that is often used to...
View ArticleIdentity Theft Stories Reveal How Victims Can Be Arrested
In one incident a 72 year old British pensioner from Bristol who was arrested in South Africa whilst on holiday with his wife. The arrest followed on a FBI arrest warrant for one of their most wanted...
View ArticleHow To Avoid Being Ripped Off!
The first thing to know in the world of scamming is that people who scam people are everywhere. They are online, offline, on the phone, At a seminar, Posing as Finance experts, e-mailing people, you...
View ArticleIdentity and Theft: Solving The Identity Theft Nightmare
The worst thing about identity and theft is how serious an impact it can have on your life. The identity and theft scenario can truly be a life-altering nightmare. Every day, people suffer unimaginably...
View ArticleDefend Yourself With Identity Theft Protection Services
Feeling doubtful of your defense against identity hoax? If you are, then you can always depend with experts who can supply you good quality identity theft protection services. When you feel you are...
View ArticleIdentity Theft Facts
As you should hopefully be aware, identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in North America today.?The reason is simply that it's very easy and highly profitable.?For relatively low prices a...
View ArticleIdentity Theft and Children
Here in the U.S, shortly after birth, 爕our child is assigned a social security number. That number is then used by the parents for taxes, health information for school records.
View ArticleDrivers License and Medical Identity Theft
Imagine trying to prove that YOU are not YOU? Sounds a little crazy but that is exactly what happens if you're pulled over by law enforcement and you are a victim of Drivers License ID Theft...Someone...
View ArticleMethods of Identity Theft
Thieves like to target the "high-value" cards such as platinum and gold cards. Also, don't use a card that is linked up with your checking account. That's a recipe for disaster...
View ArticleUnderstanding Identity Theft Charges and Penalties
Impersonating someone or using someone's identity for profit is a serious criminal offense. Like all US states, Florida also has strict laws penalizing people for involving in such crimes. If you are...
View ArticlePreventing Identity Theft in the Workplace
A few years back the Federal government implemented safeguards for businesses to comply with to combat identity theft in the workplace. This safeguard called the "Red Flags Rule" mandates that all...
View ArticleIdentity Theft - Different Ways People Steal Your Identity
Most people are all too aware of the potential financial loss which can be incurred as a result of becoming an identity theft victim. However, the consequences could be even more far reaching and may...
View ArticleUnderstanding The Magnitude Of Identity Theft And Why You Sh
Most people think they will never become a victim to the nation's number one fastest growing white collar crime. Well, you might want to think twice. What Am I talking about? Identity theft.
View ArticleIdentity Theft Protection - Basic Steps You Can Take Today
Start by developing a personal and/or family security plan for identity protection including all information, and solutions available to you. Having a stolen identity protection and/or response plans...
View ArticleBeware of Child Identity Theft Predators
Child identity theft is rapidly developing into a major threat that urgently needs the attention of all moms and dads. Identity thieves are intensifying their activities in this area because it is...
View ArticleTop 20 Fraud Prevention Tips
Fraud and identity theft continue to grow. Now, more than ever, it's important to be aware. We all do things in our day-to-day activities that put us at risk. Education is prevention. The more you...
View ArticleIdentity Theft - How a Bad Credit Rating Can Result
Identity crime hits twice - once when the fraud occurs, and secondly if there is damage to our credit file. The effects can be felt for up to 5 years in Australia by having black marks against our...
View ArticleIdentity Theft, Two Methods of Identity Theft
Identity thieves are creative and very innovative in coming up with schemes to get at your hard earned money. Identity theft can happen in many and unexpected ways, but regardless of what form it...
View ArticleSocial Security Numbers and Infants
I just watched a video the other day from a news agency and it was touted to be so-called "Breaking News" that Identity Thieves were using the social security numbers from infants, newborns and from...
View ArticleHow Someone Can Steal Your Identity While Dumpster Diving
Identity theft does not have to rely on complex or sophisticated means to succeed in turning your life into a financial and emotional disaster. Dumpster Diving is a perfect example of how something as...
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